pengaruh media film animasi fiksi pada mata pelajaran agama khatolik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak dan berbicara siswa kelas 3 sd k wemasa


  • Agus Tinus Nahak Universitas Citra Bangsa


Fictional animated film media, Improve,Listening ability, Speaking ability


This study aims to determine the effect of animated fictional film media on Catholic Religion subjects to improve listening and speaking skills of the third gtade students of SDK Wemasa. This research was conducted on January 18 to 23 at SDK Wemasa. the research method used in this study was the experimental question. The population in this study were students of class III A students abd III B SDK Wemasa students with a total of 20 students each for a total of 40 students. The sampling technique used structured observation. The result of the postest class research with a pretest average value of 48.80.while the experimental class with an average posttest score of 84.10 and a statistically significant value of 0.692>0.05. thus it was an increase in the use of fictional animated film media in Chatolic Religion subjects to improve the listening and speaking skills of grade III SDK Wemasa students.


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How to Cite

Nahak, A. T. (2021). pengaruh media film animasi fiksi pada mata pelajaran agama khatolik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak dan berbicara siswa kelas 3 sd k wemasa. Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Informatika (JUMPIKA), 3(1), 48–55. Retrieved from