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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Scientific articles that are submitted must adhere to the CSJN journal template; those that do not will be rejected/returned. The Jukanti website has a side menu where you may download the CSJN journal template. Scientific article files must be submitted in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word document file format.
  • The requirements and linguistic style for authoring scientific articles are described in the Author Guidelines.
  • A written statement that has been completed, signed, and meets with its requirements must be sent together with a scientific publication. You can download the Statement Letter from the side menu
  • Turnitin or Plagiarism Checkerx must be used to examine scientific publications for plagiarism. Scientific articles that can be accepted if the plagiarism check is less than 25%
  • Authors should only submit one article (one) for a single title. If you submitted multiple articles with the same title, only the first article will be reviewed; any more articles will be discarded as invalid
  • No later than 2 (two) business days from the date of upload, articles will be examined. The review's findings will be transmitted to the author via email. If the author has not received an email regarding the editor’s assessment result after 3 (three) working weeks, further investigation into the article review procedure may be conducted

For authors who want to submit manuscripts, following considerations are important. There is a chance that the manuscript will be returned if it doesn't adhere to the specifications specified.

Stages of Journal Publication Process at JUKANTI :

  1. Submission: The editing team will check to see if the article is deserving of review and, if so, will send it on to the reviewers. Make sure your article adheres to the CSJN format's writing criteria.
  1. Review, in which the reviewer examines the article that has been deemed worthy of review and notifies the editing team to create a LOA if at least 50% of the material is acceptable. The Chief Editor, in this case the Head of Departement of Research, Development and Community Service (LP3M) Citra Bangsa University, signs the LOA.
  2. Copyediting, The article will be examined for plagiarism during copyediting; if it is discovered that the article has already been published or has been submitted to another publication, a statement letter from the author is required. At this point, the article will also be examined for writing margins, missing letters, image/table arrangement, and headers and footers. The invoice for payment will appear at this point (for a free Publication policy request, please contact us via WhatsApp).
  3. Proofread: Checking and correcting the article so that it is free from grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Apart from that, they also check for text consistency, writing style, and language fluency to ensure that the text is easy for readers to understand.
  4. Production, where the article will be printed in PDF format and published in accordance with the volume's designated publication date. Here, the article's page number will be determined by the total number of pages of all the articles that are prepared for publication.

We hope this information can help the Author.

The journal template can be downloaded here