Peer review is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published. CSJN have Independent researchers in the relevant research area which assess submitted manuscripts for originality, validity and significance to help editors determine whether a manuscript should be published in their journal. The CSJN operates a peer review process and promotes blind reviewing. The acceptance or rejection of articles will be decided by the editorial boards based on the review results supplied by the reviewers. There are no communications between authors and editors concerning the rejection decision. Before going to the review process, all manuscripts will be checked that they are free from plagiarism practice using "Plagiarism Checker X" software. If there is an indication of plagiarism, the manuscript will instantly be rejected. Authors whose papers are rejected will be informed with the reasons for the rejection.

The editors reserve the right to suggest that the authors have their manuscripts proofread and edited by proofreaders, and to decline the publication of manuscripts whose authors do not comply with the editors' suggestions. The acceptance or rejection of manuscript submitted by author(s) will be decided by the editorial boards, which is based on the review results. The step used are below:

First   : Editor assess the manuscript for the content/scope as well as the novelty from the manuscript submitted, which is done by the editor.

Second : Editor send the manuscript to the reviewers

Third    : Editor check the reviewers comments and send them to author for revised

Fourth   : After author revised the manuscript and send back to Editor, Editor will check the revised and send back to reviewer. The process on third part can ber repeated if reviewer did not satisfied with the feedback from Author. Once every comments replied briefly, the manuscript will be processed for proofread and send back to the author if any errors or insignificant sentence (s).

Authors whose papers are accepted, revised, rejected will be informed with the results from the editor.