The integrity of peer reviews is a priority for CSJN. We wish to examine the content's originality. Authors submitting to CSJN should be informed that during the peer-review or production procedures, their publications can be subject to plagiarism detection or screening. The integrity of their studies should also be upheld in cases of conflicts of interest, fabrication of data, plagiarism, unethical experiments, insufficient subject consent, and authorship disputes, according to writers.

Ethical guidelines for authors

We anticipate authors to follow the following moral principles as below:

  1. All authors are required to make sure that their articles are completely unique, do not violate the rights to another person's or organization's intellectual property, and cannot be mistaken for plagiarized versions of other published works, including their own previously published works.
  2. Equal responsibility for the content of a submitted manuscript or published article rests with all authors listed in the publication.
  3. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining the approval of all co-authors for publishing and inclusion as co-authors.
  4. Each person who significantly contributed to the reported work in either the sciences or the arts should be listed as a co-author.
  5. Authors are prohibited from submitting the same work to multiple journals at once.
  6. Authors should not submit works that have already been published or that are wholly or partially based on previously published works.
  7. All pertinent works must be properly cited by authors. Only when properly cited and with the consent of the third party, information gained privately, such as through conversations, email, or discussions with third parties, may be used or reported in the author's work.
  8. When submitting articles, authors must refrain from using libelous language that can be interpreted as casting doubt on the reputation of any individual.
  9. Authors are required to disclose any potential conflict of interest, whether it be financial or professional, that might be deemed to exist with regard to their writings.