JUKANTI Journal Repository Policy

1. Policy Purpose This policy aims to support open access and the dissemination of scientific knowledge by allowing authors to archive versions of their manuscripts in a repository of their choice.

2. Definitions of Article Versions

  • Submitted Version (Preprint): The version of the article before peer review and without any editorial improvements.
  • Accepted Version (Postprint or Author Accepted Manuscript): The version of the article after peer review and accepted for publication, prior to the final publishing process by the journal.
  • Published Version (Version of Record): The final version of the article that has been published in the journal, including final edits, layout, and formatting.

3. Archiving Policy

  • Submitted Version: Authors are permitted to archive their preprint in any personal, institutional, or thematic repository without restrictions before and after the peer review process.
  • Accepted Version: Authors are permitted to archive their postprint in any personal, institutional, or thematic repository immediately after the article is accepted for publication, without any embargo.
  • Published Version: Authors are permitted to archive the published version in an institutional or subject-specific repository immediately following publication in the journal, using the appropriate Creative Commons license specified by the journal.

4. Licensing All articles published by the JUKANTI Journal will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which allows for the use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

5. Link to Policy This policy can be freely accessed at [insert link to the policy page on the journal’s website].

6. Contact For further questions regarding this repository policy, please contact the JUKANTI Journal Editor at jukanti.ejournalcbn@gmail.com or edu@ucb.ac.id