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Penggunaan media konvensional pada kegiatan edukasi kesehatan prakonsepsi, memiliki banyak kendala antara lain keterbatasan waktu catin, tidak memfasilitasi audience dalam skala besar serta tidak menfasilitasi diskusi interaktif antara dua belah pihak. Pembuatan media edukasi harus menyesuaikan karakteristik sasaran, diakses tanpa dibatasi ruang dan waktu serta sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi. Tujuan penelitian: menganalisis permasalahan dan potensi, dan analisis kebutuhan edukasi perawatan pra konsepsi pada catin atau wanita usia subur yang merencanakan kehamilan sehat. Metode: jenis penelitian pengembangan khususnya langkah pertama yaitu : analisa masalah dan kebutuhan. Populasi catin di KUA Malang dan bidan pelaksana KB KR IBI Malang. Sampel 101 catin dan 10 bidan yang ditetapkan secara purposive sampling. Analisa data deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil studi pendahuluan didapatkan data calon pengantin menggunakan laptop atau smart phone > 3 jam perhari untuk mengakses media social, informasi kesehatan yang dicari adalah kesehatan perempuan dan kehamilan sehat, tenaga kesehatan merupakan sumber infromasi selain media social, dan ragu akan kebenaran informasi yang didapat dari internet. Provider menyatakan kendala dalam melakukan edukasi: kurangnya interaksi karena keterbatasan waktu. Catin dan provider menyetujui jika dilakukan inovasi media edukasi berbasis digital. Berdasarkan data tersebut, penelitian tahap pertama ini bisa dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan media edukasi digital yang dikelola oleh tenaga kesehatan dan menfasiliatsi kebutuhan informasi untuk menyiapkan kehamilan sehat.
The use of conventional media in preconception health education activities has many obstacles, including limited time for the bride, not facilitating large-scale audiences and not facilitating interactive discussions. The manufacture of educational media must adapt to the characteristics of the target, be accessed without being limited by space and time and in line with the development of information technology. Research objectives: analyzing problems and potentials, needs analysis, pre-conception care education for bridge or women of childbearing age who are planning a healthy pregnancy. Method: type of development research, the first step, namely: analysis of problems and needs. The population of bridge at KUA Malang and midwives IBI Malang. A sample of 101 brides and 10 midwives were determined by purposive sampling. Qualitative descriptive data analysis. The results of the preliminary study obtained data that the bride use a laptop or smart phone > 3 hours per day to access social media, the health information sought is women's health and healthy pregnancy, health workers are a source of information other than social media, and doubt the truth of the information obtained from the internet. The provider stated the obstacle in education: lack of interaction due to time constraints. The bride-to-be and the provider agree that digital-based educational media innovation is carried out. Based on these data, this first phase of research can be continued with the creation of digital educational media managed by health workers and facilitate information needs to prepare for a healthy pregnancy.
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