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Tujuan riset adalah menerapkan metode heuristic evaluation pada evaluasi user interface aplikasi Lazada. Metode heuristic evaluation diterapkan karena dapat menghasilkan umpan balik dari desain perangkat lunak lebih akurat, cepat dan murah, sehingga masalah desain menjadi lebih cepat ditangani. User interface juga perlu dievaluasi secara berkala, karena user interface yang rumit membuat pengguna tidak puas dan tidak menggunakan aplikasi. Ada 10 penerapan prinsip heuristic yang dinilai dalam aplikasi Lazada. Total sampel adalah 100 orang pengguna Lazada. Hasil riset menemukan bahwa prinsip visibility of system status mendapatkan 1,21, prinsip match between system and the real world mendapatkan 1,11, prinsip user control and freedom mendapatkan 1,27, prinsip consistency and standards mendapatkan 1,19, prinsip error prevention mendapatkan 1,20, prinsip recognition rather than recall mendapatkan 1,37, prinsip flexibility and efficiency of use mendapatkan 1,37, prinsip aesthetic and minimalist design mendapatkan 1,33, prinsip help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors mendapatkan 1,30, prinsip help and documentation 1,12. Jadi, 10 prinsip heuristic dari user interface Lazada berada di kelas 1, yaitu cosmetic problem. Ini artinya, menurut pengguna tidak terdapat adanya masalah yang serius pada user interface Lazada saat digunakan. Namun demikian, pihak manajemen perlu terus melakukan upaya perbaikan terhadap aplikasi secara berkala.
The research objective is to apply the heuristic evaluation method to evaluate the user interface of the Lazada application. The heuristic evaluation method is used because it can produce feedback from software design more accurately, quickly, and cheaply so that design problems can be handled more quickly. The user interface also needs to be evaluated regularly because a complicated user interface makes users dissatisfied and unable to use the application. There are ten applications of heuristic principles assessed in the Lazada application. The total sample is 100 Lazada users. The research results found that the principle of visibility of system status got 1.21, the principle of match between system and the real world got 1.11, the principle of user control and freedom got 1.27, the principle of consistency and standards got 1.19, the principle of error prevention got 1.20, the principle of recognition rather than recall gets 1.37, the principle of flexibility and efficiency of use gets 1.37, the principle of aesthetic and minimalist design gets 1.33, the principle of helping users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors gets 1.30, help and documentation principle 1.12. So, the ten heuristic principles of the Lazada user interface are in class 1, namely cosmetic problems. According to users, it means there are no severe problems with the Lazada user interface. However, management needs to continue to make efforts to improve the application periodically.
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