
JUKANTI Announcements :

Pemberitahuan Status Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah


Informasi ini dikutip dari ARJUNA | Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional.     Yth. 1. Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi 2. Koordinator LLDikti I s.d. XVI  3. Ketua Himpunan Profesi 4. Pengelola Jurnal Ilmiah di seluruh Indonesia   Menindaklanjuti Surat No 0200/E5/DT.05.00/2024 tanggal 26 Februari 2024 dan No Manual.301/E5/DT.05.02/2024 tanggal 6 Agustus 2024 tentang Penerimaan usulan akreditasi jurnal Ilmiah, bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa usulan jurnal yang telah dinyatakan lolos administrasi dan sedang dalam proses penilaian akan dilanjutkan proses penilaiannya hingga hasil penilaian diumumkan.   Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut kami sampaikan bahwa berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 9 Tahun 2018 pasal 7 ayat (2) berbunyi dalam hal Kementerian belum menerbitkan Akreditasi berdasarkan permohonan Akreditasi ulang sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), hasil Akreditasi Jurnal ilmiah sebelumnya tetap berlaku. Oleh karena itu kami sampaikan jurnal yang telah lolos desk evaluasi dan dalam proses penilaian maka Peringkat Akreditasi sebelumnya dinyatakan tetap berlaku hingga hasil akreditasi terbaru telah diumumkan.   Demikian pemberitahuan ini disampaikan untuk digunakan sebagaimana mestinya. Atas perhatian dan kerja sama yang baik kami ucapkan terima kasih.  

JUKANTI Policy on the Use of AI/GPT in Article Writing


Utilization of AI/GPT in JUKANTI
JUKANTI supports the use of AI/GPT up to 30% in the article writing process, including language editing, improving structure, and drafting non-core sections. The main research findings must remain original, with no requirement to declare AI usage. Let’s leverage technology wisely for high-quality scholarly work!

Latest Article Statistics Update on JUKANTI Journal


The latest article statistics update on JUKANTI Journal shows increased reader engagement between August 8 and September 7, 2024. Access the most popular articles covering the latest topics in technology and information learning.

How to Get Your Article Indexed by Google Scholar


Want Your Article Indexed by Google Scholar? Follow These Steps!

Ensure your scholarly article is indexed by Google Scholar to boost visibility and citation counts. Here’s how:

  1. Choose an Indexed Journal: Publish your article in a journal that is indexed by Google Scholar.
  2. Adhere to Proper Formatting: Use the correct writing format to facilitate indexing.
  3. Manually Add Your Article: If not indexed, manually add your article through your Google Scholar profile.
  4. Promote Your Article: Increase citations by promoting your article.

Once indexed, your article will be more accessible and referenced by academics worldwide!

Journal of Information Technology Education (JUKANTI) Achieves High Citation Impact as of May 1, 2024


The Journal of Information Technology Education (JUKANTI) has demonstrated outstanding performance in the academic world, achieving a peak in citations over the past few years. The latest data released from Google Scholar on May 1, 2024, shows that the journal has garnered a total of 862 citations, with 859 of those accumulated since 2019.

sitasi 1 mei 2024

Focusing on the latest developments in information technology within the educational sector, the journal recorded its highest citation mark in 2021 with nearly 300 citations, indicating its significant impact on research and practices in the field. This was followed by approximately 250 citations in 2022. Although there was a slight decline to 180 citations in 2023, the journal continues to maintain its international influence.

Further, JUKANTI's h-index stands at 12, indicating that at least 12 articles from the journal have been cited at least 12 times each. Its i10-index, which reached 16, shows that there are 16 publications that have received at least 10 citations each.

These achievements solidify JUKANTI's position as a leading journal in the field of Information Technology Education, inspiring and facilitating broader discussion and innovation among academics and educational practitioners.

Guide to Using Mendeley Software for Citations and References in Scientific Articles


Mendeley is a reference management software that is invaluable for researchers, academics, and students. This tool facilitates the organization of research, storage of documents, and automatic citation and bibliography creation. Below is a basic guide on how to use Mendeley and its advantages for writing citations or references in scientific articles.

Article Topic in JUKANTI


Artificial Intelligence & Application: Discusses artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in various fields, especially in education, such as robotics, natural language processing, and machine learning.

Computer Networking & Security: Explains computer networking and its security aspects, including data protection and system defense against cyber attacks.

Computer-Based Multimedia Retrieval: Discusses a retrieval system that extracts multimedia information, such as text, images, audio, and video, from Big Data.

Decision Support System: Describes a system that supports business decision-making through the processing of data and information.

Data Warehouse & Data Mining: Explains the storage of large data (data warehouse) and the process of extracting useful information or patterns from a collection of big data (data mining).

E-System: May discuss electronic systems or internet-based systems, including e-school, e-commerce, and e-government.

Fuzzy Logic: Discusses fuzzy logic, an approach to information processing that allows reasoning similar to human reasoning.

Geographic Information System (GIS): Explains the system used to collect, store, and analyze geographical data.

Human & Computer Interaction: Discusses the design, evaluation, and implementation of computer user interfaces to ensure effective and satisfying interaction.

Image Processing: Explains digital image processing techniques, including manipulation and analysis, to improve quality or extract information.

Information System: Discusses the system that collects, stores, organizes, and distributes information, typically within the context of schools, colleges, or organizations.

Mobile Computing & Application: Explains mobile devices and their applications, including mobile technology, mobile apps, and related mobility issues, with a focus on their use in educational management and learning.

Multimedia System: Discusses systems that integrate various forms of media, such as text, graphics, video, and audio, especially those used in learning.

Neural Network: Explains computational models inspired by biological neural networks, used in machine learning.

Pattern Recognition: Discusses techniques for recognizing patterns and regularities in data through machine learning and statistical analysis.

Learning Innovation: May discuss new approaches and technologies in learning and education.

Educational Multimedia Development: Explains the development of multimedia materials for educational purposes, involving the integration of text, images, sound, and video.

Learning Media and E-learning: Discusses learning media and e-learning, including the development, implementation, and evaluation of electronic-based learning.

Letter of Acceptance - LOA


 Letter of Acceptance (LOA) akan dikeluarkan oleh LP3M Universitas Citra Bangsa yang akan menyatakan bahwa artikel anda telah diterima sesuai dengan isian metadata artikel anda pada JUKANTI. LP3M Universitas Citra Bangsa memonitoring proses Editor pada JUKANTI, oleh karena itu maka jika author atau penulis membutuhkan LOA maka dapat menyampaikannya dalam bagian diskusi. LOA hanya akan dibuatkan bagi author atau penulis yang membutuhkan.

Terima Kasih.

Salam kami Editor JUKANTI 

Hasil Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode II Tahun 2021


Berdasarkan Surat Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Riset dan Teknologi Nomor 0010/E5/KI.02.04.2022 Perihal Pemberitahuan Hasil Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode II Tahun 2021 diinformasikan Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi (JUKANTI) dengan ISSN : 26211467 memperoleh Akreditasi Baru Peringkat 4 mulai Volume 2 Nomor 2 Tahun 2019 sampai Volume 7 Nomor 1 Tahun 2024

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